Monday 14 November 2016

Reset SAP* in Sybase ASE

In the case of all user is locked (rear situation), then we can reset the SAP* user in Sybase ASE database.

Option 1:-

Login to the Server with “SYBSID” user,
Go to command prompt,
Use the following command to connect the Database,

Isql –Usapsa –Ppassword –SSID –X

1> Use SID
2> Go

1> Select top 1*& from SAPSR3.USR02
2> Go

1> Select * from SAPSR3.USR02 where BNAME=’SAP*’
2> Go

1> Delete from SAPSR3.USER02 where BNAME=’SAP*’
2> Go

Go to the profile and change the value of the parameter "login/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0"

Then restart your system, Login with the user "SAP*" with default password and change the password. 

Then change the parameter value to 1 .

Option 2:-      

If you don't know the database user passwords also, then we need to first generate the database user password.

For resetting the DB user password do the following the activities first,

* Shutdown the  Database system
* Edit the 'RUN_SID' file

RUN_SID' File location-
Unix     - $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/RUN_SID
Windows  -  %SYBASE%\%SYSBASE_ASE\install/RUN_ASE.bat 

Edit the file & add a new line in the last part of the file, add the following.

* Save the Changes

* Start ASE Server by executing RUN_SID File on command line ------> A new password  will be printed into terminal.
It Password in terminal looks like :- 
Server Database 'sybsystemoproces' is now online
New SSO password for test:manyorygksfdl2 ------ 'manyorygksfdl2' is the new passwod for SSO   account

Now you can change the other database user account password using SAPSSO. Use the following,

isql -Uspsso -P<passwod> -S<SID> -X
> Use Master
> go
> alter login  sapsa with password "<sapsso password>" modify password "<new sapsa password>"
> go

Now you can follow the option 1 & reset the sap* password.

Thanks for reading, Please share your valuable feedback.  

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4 Responses to "Reset SAP* in Sybase ASE"

  1. Replies
    1. Hi Jonathan,


      Thanks for your valuable Review.

      Sajmal TS

  2. Very useful article, it came in handy for information that I've been searching all over. Thanks.

  3. There, you saved a lot of time mate. Thanks for the vital info.
