Friday 19 August 2016

SAP Security audit log activation - SM19

Security audit log record security related system information's

You can record the following information's when activation SAP Audit log :
  • Successful and unsuccessful dialog logon attempts 
  • Successful and unsuccessful RFC logon attempts 
  • Changes to user master records
  • Successful and unsuccessful transaction starts
  • RFC calls to function modules
  • Changes to SAP audit configuration 
Add the following profile parameters in "Instance Profile" for activation SAP Audit


1 ( 0 – deactivate , 1 activate)


File location of audit log (usr/sap/SID/<instno>/log/audit_<instance_number>


Size of audit log (default –  1,000,000)


Number of selection slots (default – 2)

After change the Profile parameters "Restart your SAP system"

Goto -----> SM19

Click "Create" option

Set name for Audit log, the formate will be "SIDAUDIT"
SID - your sap system ID

Choose the audit option like the above Image, 
For all users and client use "*" for both, and choose audit classes that you want in log,

After this, "Save" the Audit Log

Click on Active option to activate the Audit log,

Now the Audit Log is activate on your System, you can check the audit log using T-Code SM20

You can use the following links for audit log deletion  

Thanks for reading, Please share your valuable feedback.  

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8 Responses to "SAP Security audit log activation - SM19"

  1. Thanks it is very informative and helpful. can you also explain how to clear these logs ? my audit log is getting full everyday.. do we need to manually clear it or it gets automatically cleared ? need clarity on this

    1. Hi,

      Please follow the blogs to clear the audit log

  2. Nice information..thank you
