Tuesday 18 May 2021

Reset sa, sapsa passwords in Sybase ASE

If you don't know the database user passwords in sybase, this post describe the password reset process.

For resetting the DB user password do the following the activities first,

* Shutdown the  Database system
* Edit the 'RUN_SID' file

RUN_SID' File location-
Unix     - $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/RUN_SID
Windows  -  %SYBASE%\%SYSBASE_ASE\install/RUN_ASE.bat 

Edit the file & add a new line in the last part of the file, add the following.

* Save the Changes

* Start ASE Server by executing RUN_SID File on command line ------> A new password  will be printed into terminal.
It Password in terminal looks like :- 
Server Database 'sybsystemoproces' is now online
New SSO password for test:manyorygksfdl2 ------ 'manyorygksfdl2' is the new passwod for SSO   account

Now you can change the other database user account password using SAPSSO. Use the following,

isql -Uspsso -P<passwod> -S<SID> -X
> Use Master
> go
> alter login  sapsa with password "<sapsso password>" modify password "<new sapsa password>"
> go

Related post,

Thanks for reading, Please share your valuable feedback.  

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