Tuesday 29 March 2022

Mass user deletion in SAP

We know mass user activities in SAP we are able to do using SU10 transaction code.

But if we want to delete 1000 users at a single time it is difficult to enter the 1000 user name or upload from the clip board. In that situation we can use below option,

Got to SU10 T-codeSU10

Choose multiple selection option, 

We have different option here,
We can find the users with user group, profile, roles, etc..

We are using 'Users by Roles' option.
Enter Role name in Role tab and change the maximum number of hits 

Select the users & Click on the 'Tick' option

Confirm the user list and click on Delete option,

Confirm 'Yes' to start the deletion activity

Depends on the number of users the deletion time take,
After successful deletion of users the output should like below.

Same steps we can use for Mass user lock, unlock options as well.

Also Read,
SAP Secuity

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