Saturday 4 May 2019

Backup automation for Sybase Database in SAP

For Sybase backup automation first we need to configure the Script from OS level first.

For that, First login to the OS using SYBSID user & Password,
Then execute the below commands for Master & Log backup configuration,

For Master Backup -
user mater
exec sp_config_dump @config_name='SIDDB', @stripe_dir = 'Backup Location', @compression = '101', @verify = 'header'

 Example :-
user mater
exec sp_config_dump @config_name='ER1DB', @stripe_dir = 'E:\Backup\Full_Backup', @compression = '101', @verify = 'header'

For Log Backup :-
user mater
sp_config_dump @config_name='SIDLOG', @stripe_dir = 'Backup Location', @compression = '101', @verify = 'header'

Example :-
user mater
sp_config_dump @config_name='ER1LOG', @stripe_dir = 'E:\Backup\Trans_Bcakup', @compression = '101', @verify = 'header'

Now for the backup Scheduling login to the SAP System using GUI,
Execute DB13 or DBACOCKPIT Transaction for the backup Schedule,

DB13 ---> Database SID ---> Jobs ---> DBA Planning Calendar

Click on 'Add' button in DBA  Planning Calendar Screen,

Click 'Continue' option,

For Mater backup select 'Database Dump' & for Log backup 'Transaction Dump',

 Select 'Schedule as Recurring Action' for periodic backup (Daily, Weekly, etc)
Now in 'Database Name' tab select the DB name
In 'Dump Configuration' tab,for Master DB Backup select 'SIDDB' & for transaction select 'SIDLOG' (Script which we have created in OS Level)
and continue,
Select the Periodic time, Days that you want to execute the backup,

Confirm the date, Time that you have selected & click on execute option for schedule the backup,

Below screen confirmed the backup has been scheduled successfully, Now you can verify form DB13.

DB13 Screen,

Check the below topic to check the DB parameter configuration to avoid backup fail,
Dump transaction is not possible on database

See also,

Sybase DB Restore with Full Backup

Thanks for reading, Please share your valuable feedback.  

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3 Responses to "Backup automation for Sybase Database in SAP"

  1. Thank you so much ..this is really helpful for concept clearance... 😊

  2. Useful post, thanks for sharing
