Monday 15 March 2021

Hana DB Installation

This post will give you an overview on HANA DB Installation

Version - HANA 2.0 SP 05
OS - Suse Linux

You can download the Hana DB Installation packages from below location,


Download the latest Hana DB Installation media file 

* Download the File
* Extract the File
* Open Data_Unit Directory

Execute hdblcm to start installation
Command :-   ./hdblcm 

Option 1:-
If you want to install additional components, choose 'y' and specify the path here otherwise choose 'n'

Option 2:-
Choose option 3 to new system installation

Option 3:-
Enter Installation Path [/hana/shared] : 
hit enter if you are using default path otherwise enter the location

Option 4:-
Do you want to add hosts to the system? (y/n) [n] :
if no then hit enter (default), If yes choose 'y' and specify the location 

Option 5:-
Enter the HANA System ID : DHD (my demo installation system, choose your own SID)

Option 6:-
Enter Local Host Worker Group [default] : 
hit enter if you are using default 

Option 7:-
Select System usage 
I have selected development, choose as per your requirement

Option 8:- 
Do you want to enable data and log volume encryption? [n] :
hit enter if you are using default 

Option 9:- 
Enter location of data volume [/hana/data/DHD] :
hit enter if you are using default 

Option 10:- 
Enter location of log volume [/hana/log/DHD] :
hit enter if you are using default 

Option 11:- 
Restrict maximum memory allocation  [n]:
hit enter if you are using default 

Option 12:- 
Enter certificate host name for Host (your host name) [hostname]:
hit enter if you are using default 

Option 13:- 
Enter System administrator (dhdadm) password :
enter the password & confirm the password 

Option 14:- 
Enter the system Administrator  Home Directory [/usr/sap/DHD/home]:
hit enter if you are using default 
I have changed the location to /home/dhdadm

Option 15:- 
Enter the system Administrator login shell [/bin/sh]:
hit enter if you are using default 

Option 16:- 
Enter the system Administrator user ID [1003]:
hit enter if you are using default 

Option 17:- 
Enter the system Administrator user [SYSTEM] password :
enter the password & confirm the password 

Option 18:- 
Restart system after machine reboot [n] :
hit enter if you are using default 

Now system will display summary of the values which we have given 

Cross the all the values which we have given 

Option 19:- 
Do you want to continue? (y/n) :
Choose option 'y'

Now Hana DB installation will start.
This will take some times to complete

System Installation Competed successfully  

Now lets check our Hana DB status,
Login as SIDADM and use command 
HBD info 

Thanks for reading, Please share your valuable feedback.  

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