Wednesday 17 March 2021

Table Reorg using Brtools

What is Table Reorg -

When using tables with large amounts of rows and especially after a lot of rows have been deleted from such a table, reorganizing the table may improve the performance of the table also it will reduce the size of the table.

How it Works -

Reorganizes the table by creating a new copy of the table in temp tablespace and the activity performs. Then replaces the original table with the reorganized copy. Make sure that the temp tablespace size is double than the largest table present in your system.

Step 1 :-

Login to DB Server with 'orasid' user

Table Reorg using Brtools

Use following command to start brtools

Table Reorg using Brtools

Step 2:-
Select option 3 - Segment management 

Table Reorg using Brtools

Step 3:-
Select option 1 - Reorganize tables

Table Reorg using Brtools

Step 4:-
Choose option 6 - Table name 
Enter Table Name which you want to do reorg and hit enter

Table Reorg using Brtools

Step 5:-
Verify the table name showing in option 6 then choose option 'c' for continue

Table Reorg using Brtools

Step 6:-
Make sure that that 'Reorganization mode is online' if you are doing the activity at DB online time 
Choose 'c' to continue 

Table Reorg using Brtools

Step 7:-
Choose 'c' to continue 
Now the 'reorge' activity will start. This will take time depending on the table size.

Table Reorg using Brtools

One the 'reorg' activity completed,  system will show successful message

Table Reorg using Brtools

Step 8:-
Choose 'c' to continue, then choose 's' to stop BRTOOLS
If you want do the activity for other tables - 
choose 'c' and continue the activity from step  2 onward's

Table Reorg using Brtools

Step 9:-
Choose 'y' to exit from brtools

Thanks for reading, Please share your valuable feedback.  

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